Anniversary Messages
and Special Congratulations to SpiritWorks Foundation
“Congratulations on 15 years!!! Thank you for all that you do for the community and for allowing me to be a part of your team for the last 3 years as well as being a mentor to me and helping me become more knowledgeable in the field.”
“Happy 15th anniversary!! The time I spent in Virginia is something I’ll never forget, and spending the 4th of July with Spirit Works was one of the amazing experiences I got on that trip. Simply selling lemonade and water bottles introduced me to so many people, and was honestly a blast (even despite the heat lol). The work you do is absolutely amazing, and I hope that you have many more great years at this organization!”
“Jan, though I have only come into your sphere in the last few years, your wisdom and experience and your thoughtful communication have made such an impact on me. Plus, you inspire Tom. How grateful I am! SpiritWorks and Jan make all the difference!”
“Congrats Jan! Your spirit of love is changing the world. I hope you can feel all the love coming right back at you. Your witness and work inspire us all. Much love, Becca.”
“Each and every day, I count my blessings for SpiritWorks, Jan, Lauren, June, Becky, Judy & all of these awesome community members that make SpiritWorks such a wonderful place to work! Before I was able to contribute to this incredible community, I first had to heal and breathe. Jan’s expert counsel and coaching allowed me to do that and so much more! She taught me to be present and informed as I navigated the heartbreak of the disease that gripped my family. Jan, Lauren & First Fridays not only saved my life but lifted my entire family out of the space where stigma and shame shackled us. With all of my heart and soul, I wish you ALL a happy 15th year! With a heart full of gratitude, I look forward to an incredible year of celebrating Jan, SpiritWorks, and recovery!”
“I almost can’t put it all into words how much Jan and the spirtworks community means to me. I reached out to them about a year ago after feeling very lost and alone. I was met with open arms and loving hearts from all who I came in contact with. Jan and Lauren, I thank you so much for getting me through the hardest time of my life as well as being my spiritual guidance, my teachers and I’m proud to say my friends.
I love you both and my spirtworks family.”
“Congratulations Jan, for 15 years of service in helping so many families who suffer in addiction disease!”
“First, let me offer CONGRATULATIONS on the 15th anniversary of SpiritWorks!! Awesome!! The work you have done and continue to do is exceptional, to say the least. What you have accomplished in 15 years credits you with perseverance and your ongoing love for what you do. As the grandparent of a recovering addict, I have first hand knowledge of how you help those in trouble. I have watched my grandson on his recovery journey, and while there have been struggles I see the amazing change in him. I also see how you have impacted his mother on this journey and how she has become an integral participant in SpiritWorks. Her volunteer work with this organization has been her lifeline. This has helped her immensely with her support of my grandson. In my association with SpiritWorks, I also have learned so much that I was unaware of before in my relationship with my family. This has enabled me to understand how the role of family in helping a loved one is SO important.
Again, Jan, congratulations, and continue to keep up the good work. Grateful for having SpiritWorks in my life.
Love, Anne Daniel aka Grandma.”
“Jan, I am so proud of you. I remember the days you dreamed of having this ministry and the dream turned into a reality. I would love for us to meet for lunch one day so I can hear all about what is happening and your hopes for the future. Sincerely, Ann Moore”
“Congratulations from someone who has been helped by you in ways you will never know. What an incredible service to this community. May you grow, prosper and heal for years to come.”
“SpiritWorks breathed life back into my being through the Woman’s Wednesday Wellness gave me Encouragement, Hope, Empathy, Accountability, and Education...The sweet women I met there...from all different walks of life were transparent, honest, funny and supportive...Every week I walked away as a better me! Jan & Lauren were the glue that created a beautiful work of art ...if I had to say the one thing Spirit Works does best...though there are many...I would say they are superb at being relational...without judgment ♡♡♡ Happy Anniversary!!!!”
“Congratulations, Jan & Everyone!”
“What an incredible person you are !!!! You have vision, tenacity, great communication skills, compassion, a sense of humor, did I say tenacity, intelligence, great planning skills, networking skills, bravery, principles, kindness, did I say vision, grace, patience, creativity ... I could go on and on!! You have created and replicated a flagship program that is a safe harbor for those who are addicted, those who want to become sober, and those who want to stay sober. You provide information and community for professionals working with addicts and their families.
SpiritWorks is you!!! Congratulations to you both!!! Fifteen years of being of service to a very needy population!!”
“Congratulations with SUCH an AMAZING MINISTRY of RECOVERY 🙏🏽💖🤗🙏🏽! I truly do not know where I would be without JAN BROWN & her AMAZING Tribe of folks❣️❣️❣️ You are like God with skin-on 🙏🏽🤗👍🏼! Thank you for being:
Being here, showing up in the tough places, showing up in the celebratory places — always showing up! AND supporting/ encouraging others to show up 🙏🏽🤗💖👍🏼🙏🏽! It means MORE than you will ever know 😘! I will continue to pray for SW, its leaders, its teams; and to the next years of serving our community 🙏🏽💖🤗”
You have created such an amazing organization filled with kind, caring, and accepting people. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to find Spiritworks and be a part of this wonderful community. You have touched so many lives and helped so many. Thank you for inviting me in to learn, live, and grow with you and everyone. I am lucky to have gotten to know some members of this community, and be able to work alongside you to help make a bigger impact.
Congratulations on this milestone ! We love you!!”
You are an inspiration. You have helped so many to take the next step, use whatever resources are available and be creative. Our community and our lives are better because of SpiritWorks. Thank you and happy anniversary!
“I believe in my heart that it was God’s plan for us to move to Williamsburg in 2017 so we could find the SpiritWorks community. Jan, thank you for the safe, healing refuge you have created. Thank you for being a teacher and a guide and an inspiration. Thank you for founding a parents group where we can share and know that we are understood. God bless you on this 15th anniversary and may God bless Lauren, Lynn, Judy, June, Becky and everyone in the SW family. Love, Teri Morgan”
Because of your vision, love, mindfulness, tenacity, and sheer gift of pioneering SpiritWorks...
I find the world a richer place. Richer because you share your understanding of people & the ideas you encounter and test true. You have cultivated understanding first, and making decisions/ thoughts second. Who knew that the unsought-after gift, of addiction; would create such meaningful relationships. It is hard to believe, the disease of addiction has been a key to unlock so many remarkable discoveries of my world. AND meaningful relationships.
Primarily helping me be more connected to my son.
Jan & Lauren, you have helped make my community a better place to live. THANK YOU 🙏🏽💖😘!!!”