Help educate, equip, empower, and celebrate individuals, families, and communities on the journey from addiction to recovery.
Why Give to SpiritWorks Foundation?
Nearly two-thirds of Americans have friends or family members who have struggled with alcohol or other drug addiction. Clinical addiction treatment can be an important step to beginning recovery. However, treatment programs are often limited in their duration and only the first step in the process of recovery. Learning to cope with the daily challenges of employment, stable housing, family and social relationships, and legal issues while building a healthy life in recovery takes a long-term approach.
Your donation to SpiritWorks will leverage significant outcomes. Consider, for example, that up to 85% of incarcerated individuals have problems directly associated with drugs or alcohol abuse or have committed crimes associated with alcohol and other drugs. It costs $35,000 or more to incarcerate someone for one year with no recovery services. For a fraction of that expenditure, SpiritWorks is currently providing recovery support services to more than 25 ex-offenders who have not returned to jail or prison. They are seeking employment or holding jobs, returning to school, restoring their lives, reuniting with families, and giving back to their communities.
Any donation you can contribute to SpiritWorks Foundation is greatly appreciated. You can either make a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation via credit card at our secure non-profit donation website. Please note, SpiritWorks Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donations are tax-deductible.