Recovery Management
Wellness Compass Program
The SpiritWorks Foundation Wellness Compass is a tool that promotes wellness through positive self-care. The purpose of the Wellness Compass is to help individuals create and maintain wellness and to support their efforts to reach their goals. The Wellness Compass includes the eight dimensions of wellness. Individuals check in regularly using the Compass to track how they’re living into the dimensions of wellness.
Offered at Williamsburg & Warrenton
When & Where
wednesdays • 1:00 pm (Common Ground & Zoom)
What Matters Most
What Matters Most is a goal setting process that enables participants to determine their individual goals based on their core values. The process includes value clarification, prioritizing needs and wants, and setting the direction for individuals to live on purpose.
Williamsburg By Appointment
Recovery Planning
The purpose of Recovery Planning is to develop and incorporate wellness tools into a personal management and recovery system. Recovery Planning is designed to decrease and prevent relapse, increase personal empowerment, improve quality of life, assist people in achieving their goals and dreams. SpiritWorks assists individuals in developing their personal Recovery Plans.
Offered in Williamsburg & Warrenton by Appointment
When & Where
wednesdays • 1:00pm (Common Ground & Zoom)
Women’s Discovery Group
Groups include women of every race, religion, ideology and sexual preference who seek to commune with other women to expand their definition of Self, to heal from addiction, abuse, racism, sexism, to become more whole, and to develop a passion for all of life. The groups use the healing concepts developed by Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D., as outlined in her book Many Roads, One Journey. Dr. Kasl examines self-esteem, addiction and co-dependency in the context of internalized oppression. Her model is designed to empower women to find their own voices, sources of strength and spirituality. The only requirement for membership is that you be a woman.
Telephone Recovery Support
SpiritWorks Foundation provides Telephone Recovery Support (TRS), a peer-to-peer recovery support service. TRS offers weekly telephone calls to people in recovery to “check in” and see how they’re doing. People in recovery are given support and encouragement as well as information about community resources, all recovery meeting, 12-step meetings or other supports that may help them maintain their recovery.
TRS helps reduce relapse and enhances the recovery experience for people in recovery.
Calls are made by trained SpiritWorks Foundation volunteers that are, in many instances, in recovery themselves. Individuals interested in signing up for this service will need to provide contact information, preferred time and date of support call, location, and if we can leave a message on an answering machine.
Offered in Williamsburg & Warrenton
Recovery Meeting
All recovery meetings support all pathways to recovery.
Recovery Circle
Early morning check-in to reduce stress and to promote health and wellness at the start of every work day.
Hope For You SIA Meeting
This is a closed 12-step meeting of Survivors of Incest Anonymous, a fellowship of women and men 18 years or older who have survived any kind of childhood sexual abuse and who want to recover.
Women’s AA
Gather with other women in their journey of recovery in a women’s only weekly AA meeting.
When & Where
tuesdays • 7pm (williamsburg)
CODA Meeting
This is an open 12 step meeting of Co-Dependents Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships
When & Where
tuesdays • 5:15pm (williamsburg)
Dual Recovery
Anonymous Meeting
A 12 step organization meeting for people with dual diagnosis or illness.
Recovery INSIDE the Walls
Deliver recovery life skills and coping skills and recovery management to the women’s WAITT (We Are In This Together) Program at Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail.
Live & Let Live Group (AA)
An open 12-step AA meeting for men and women on their path to recovery.
When & Where
sundays • 8pm (warrenton)
Recovery Outside the Walls
This group is based from the individuals that were incarcerated that want to continue their recovery journey outside of the jail, and also for individuals that are looking for structure in their recovery journey. We utilize the Recovery by Choice Curriculum and also films and other related materials to recovery.
Saturday Night Live (AA)
Plans Saturday night? Get together with your recovery buddies and enjoy a fun sober Saturday night with a supportive community.